We Love, What We Do
Digital Prizm was started with a vision of helping each business empower through 360-degree marketing strategies, upgrading their current turnovers and reaching their desired goals within an estimated period.
EngLeng is a company that provides cleaning services for public areas, offices and factories.

The Pumpkin is a platform for financial consultants to have a systematic and achievable guide to attain their goals of lead generation.

Go – Genie is a Last Mile Delivery Platform intended in giving safe and reliable experience to its customers.

Netinu is a SaaS service provider that equips customers with a secure wordpress and woo-commerce environment.

Waith.io perforated in the market to address the pain points of individuals, freelancers, entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Holobet is a casino designed on a virtual reality platform, giving the target audience unique and holistic experience.

Kalpafit entered the market with a vision of improving the fitness and happiness, spreading awareness about the importance of a healthy life.