The Ultimate Guide to Google My Business

10th November 2022


Google My Business, or GMB for short, is a free tool that allows you to create and manage a business listing on Google. As the largest and most popular search engine in the world, this is extremely important for any business owner who wants to get found online.

The Ultimate Guide to Google My Business

Google My Business is a free, easy-to-use tool that helps you manage your business information on Google. It enables you to create and manage your Google listing and connect with customers by posting content, answering reviews and more.

Whether you’re running a local brick-and-mortar store or an online business, it’s important to promote your shop on Google Search. With the right setup, you can attract potential customers from all over the world who are searching for products related to yours—without paying for ads! These organic results will show at the top of search results based on what users are searching for (e.g., “flowers” or “clothing”).

The Ultimate Guide to Google My Business

Google My Business: An Overview

Google My Business is a free tool that helps customers find and connect with your business on Google. It allows you to manage your business’s local listing information, including photos, videos, opening hours and more. You can then use these updates to help people find you when they search for local businesses on Google Search or Maps (including Google Maps for Mobile).

With a verified account, you can also communicate with customers through the “Get Reviews” feature found in the Local 3-Pack (a set of three listings), which shows up at the top of searches related to your business category.

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business is a free and easy way for you to connect with customers online. It’s a simple process that takes 5 minutes or less, and it will help your business get found on Google Search, Google Maps, and across the web.

Google My Business helps you:

How does it work?

Google My Business is a free, local listing service that helps people find local businesses on Google, whether they’re searching on their desktop or mobile device. The information you provide in your Google My Business listing will appear whenever your business is listed in local search results (for example, “Acme Locksmith”) and also:

Why does Google My Business matter for businesses?

As a business owner, it’s important to understand why Google My Business is important for your business. Just like you, Google wants to make sure that businesses are being represented accurately in every way possible. And since this is the first place people will turn when searching for your products or services online, it’s essential that they see a complete and accurate picture of what your company has to offer.

Google My Business provides an easy-to-use interface where users can submit reviews on their favorite places, share photos with friends and connect with other customers through social media. This helps people find local businesses faster than ever before by leveraging both traditional search results as well as engagement signals like reviews that help verify information about a specific company or service provider.

How to Claim/Create a New Google My Business Listing

You can claim your business listing in one of three ways:

The Google My Business website. You can access it by clicking on the “add” button at the top-right of any Google search result page. This will bring up a form that requires you to fill out basic information about your business, including its categories and types. Once you’ve filled out these fields and clicked “Continue,” you’ll be prompted to provide additional details such as a physical address (which is optional), phone number (which is also optional), and website URL (which is required).

The Google My Business website. You can access it by clicking on the “add” button at the top-right of any Google search result page. This will bring up a form that requires you to fill out basic information about your business, including its categories and types. Once you've filled out these fields and clicked "Continue," you'll be prompted to provide additional details such as a physical address (which is optional), phone number (which is also optional), and website URL (which is required).

The Google Search app for iOS or Android devices. The process for claiming an existing listing using this method is almost identical to claiming a new one via the web—but with slightly different wording throughout—so I won't get into too much detail here other than saying that it's super easy! Just tap on “Add” at the top right of any search results page, then follow prompts from there on out until your listing has been claimed successfully!

How To Claim Your Existing Listing

You can claim your existing listing in three easy steps:

How To Create a New Listing from Scratch

Creating a new listing in Google My Business is an easy process. The first step is to click on the red + button, which will then prompt you to choose what kind of business this is. In this example we are going to choose Restaurant.

Once you have selected your type of business, you will be brought to a screen where all of the information fields need filling out:

Best Practices for Creating and Verifying Your GMB Listing

Once you’ve verified your GMB listing, the next step is to ensure that the information on it is up-to-date and accurate. Google’s guidelines state that:

Use your business name as registered

If you’ve already got a Google My Business account, it may be time to update your business name. In fact, make sure that the information on your company page matches exactly with how it appears on other websites and in other places such as:

Add photos of your business regularly, and use high quality images whenever possible.

Fill out all information fields. We'll go into more detail on the impact of specific fields later in this post.

Check that your listing's contact information is correct. This includes your phone number, address, and website URL.

You’ll want to make sure that the contact information for your business is correct. This includes your phone number, address, and website URL.

If you have recently moved or changed any of this information in Google My Business, it’s important to verify with Google that they have the right address by doing a verification check-up on your listing.

Claim a custom URL (generally a business name).

Claim a custom URL (generally a business name). If you have a unique business name or URL, it’s important to claim it on your Google My Business page. This will help ensure that your customers can easily find you online.

Unfortunately for us, there’s no way to add a custom URL directly from the dashboard; but there are a few ways around this:

You can try entering any existing website owned by your company and see if it works as an alternate address for your local listing. You may need to contact Google directly if this doesn’t work; however, I suggest trying something like “mycompanyname” instead of “.com.” Sometimes they’ll reject these types due to spam issues or other reasons (it varies), but at least then they won’t have tied up all of their options with other businesses who may have registered them in the past. And if not… well… at least now we know!


Hopefully, this guide has helped you understand why Google My Business is important for your business and how to get started. Remember that it’s not just a “nice to have” tool—it’s a crucial part of any SEO strategy. A good GMB listing can boost your website traffic, increase conversions from customers who already know about you, and help you rank on local search results pages like Maps or Google Local Business Center (formerly called Google Places).

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