Since 1984 Way Fengshui has been giving Feng Shui advice that is clear, reassuring, and actionable. Way Feng Shui is one of the pioneers in providing Fengshui Consultancy, Academy and Lifestyle services to meet the customer’s needs.
CLIENT : store.wayfengshui.com
EXPERTISE : Technology, UI, UX
INDUSTRY : Digital Transformation, eCommerce
- + Identity Management
- + eCommerce
- + Digital Transformation

The challenge is to transform decades-old knowledge and experience into a digital format to preserve the heritage, helping the younger generation to adapt to it faster. We aimed to adopt the mapped process and knowledge into a report engine for converting the online and offline store products into ecommerce platforms.

We recorded each report’s process flow and digitalised the available data. We created a configurable engine and formed protocols that allow management to create custom workflows and reports. In addition, we have developed custom integration with the product inventory and enhanced it with additional data points to improve SEO and product display in the ecommerce system.

Featured Projects
Kalpafit entered the market with a vision of improving the fitness and happiness, spreading awareness about the importance of a healthy life.

With an aim to help individuals understand the importance of a diversifying portfolio and aiding them create one.